But the potential cost to women's health is deafening.
Earlier this year, my province of British Columbia, made contraception available for free to women because of this:
💰 The cost of contraception is less than the cost of managing an unwanted pregnancy.
NOW what if:
🦴 We added more #womenshealth cases that show, for example, the cost of #hormonetherapy for the prevention of #boneloss is far less than the cost of managing a fracture, #osteoporosis and the impact to the individual woman, her family care team, and the medical system at large (treatment of break, rehabilitation, limits to movement and more--sometimes admitting to a care facility and dementia.)
Current predictions for my generation are 1-in-3 of us will break a bone due to osteoporosis.
Bone loss can be prevented via a 3-pronged approach:
Nutrition support (a custom recommendation for vit D, calcium-magnesium)
Strength-building and balance exercise &
Hormone therapy is approved for the prevention of bone loss (we lose ~20% of our bone mass in the first 5-6 years of postmenopause!)